Author Archive
The Reverse Hyperextension Machine
This machine, though confusing and intimidating at first sight, can be the power lifter’s best friend. If you’re struggling with squats, deadlifting, or even sprinting, the reverse hyper could be the answer to all your problems. What’s it for? Glutes Hamstrings Lower middle back spine decompression When should you use it? The days you do […]
Dead Lifting: The Pain
One of my favorite exercises, and one of the most painful to recover from, is the dead lift. The video provided on the link shows just about as good of advice as any expert could give on good form – check it out! The real pain, however, is the lack of form most people use […]
WestSide Skull Crushers
Today I learned a new triceps workout, where you superset dumbbell Skull Crushers with seven sets for eight reps, and only 20 seconds of rest. With dumbbells, this proved to be a serious test of endurance. One of the reasons for supersets with dumbbells is that it increases the stamina of your triceps drastically. A […]
Squatting for Champs
The squat used to always be a feared exercise for me. My knees would hurt, my back would ache, and I would always feel like I was about to fall over. After a few months training with Matt Makara, a grad student at Mason, I have come to love squatting. My form these days could […]
Rowing with the Land Mine
Working out the other day with Matt Makara, another student at Mason, I was taught a new technique for doing bent over rows. The Land Mine provides a unique pivoting mobility that makes for a great bent over row workout. Bending over, almost like in a stance for dead lifting, I did four sets of […]
Great Gear, but for Whom?
Tom O’Connor, the director of athletics at George Mason University, spoke in a press conference Thursday on campus. O’Connor is in his 16th year at GMU, and has over four decades of experience with other programs as well, including Dartmouth. He provided many answers and opinions on the basketball team and with the department in […]
Raging Bull Review
The 1980 boxing film, by Martin Scorsese, features Robert De Niro as a self-destructive boxer whose biggest fight ends up being with himself — one that he ultimately loses. Based on the real life story of Jake LaMotta, a famous boxer in the 40’s, this movie closely parallels the anger and fear that drove LaMotta […]
The Prowler…
Beware! This has to be the most sickening, exhausting, and intimidating piece of equipment I’ve ever used. The Prowler is not for beginners, nor for even the average athlete. The Prowler is serious. What’s it for? (besides torture) The Prowler offers a unique way to build explosive acceleration for running, hitting, pushing and endurance — […]
Jim Iovino
Jim Iovino, managing sports editor for NBC in Washington, came in today, discussing an unique history of the early days of blogging. Iovino started out writing for sports in college, and began one of the first blogs, which focused on the NHL. This blog actually become one of the first that was credentialed and had […]
‘Media Relations in Sport’ ch. 12 ‘Law and Ethics’
Summary Chapter 12 informs the reader on the history of law and ethics in the U.S., and how it pertains to journalists and others in the communication field. A brief history of various constitutional rights and laws are shared, tied in to how the modern laws that directly affect the reporting of journalists and the […]