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Close Grip Benching
A variation of the bench press, close grip benching takes the exertion of a normal bench and forces all of it into your triceps. There is a great deal of form and technique required to do this exercise both effectively and safely. What’s it for? When you use a close grip to do the bench […]
Front Squats: The Wrist Nightmare
An excellent addition to your workout that can really boost your squat strength and stability, the front squat is as painful as it is useful (incredibly). What’s it for? The front squat changes up the weight distribution in the motions of squatting. By bringing the weight in front of your body, you have to adjust […]
Skull Crushers!!!
Besides the close grip bench, skull crushers are probably the best thing for building your triceps strength. Be forewarned, though – the skull crushers have this name for a reason. What’s it for? Skull Crushers are almost like a close grip bench press, except that you are only moving your forearms. This exercise isolates all […]
The Bradford Press
A variation of the military press, the Bradford press exercises muscles not normally used in overhead presses. What’s it for? By raising the bar above your head and lowering both in front and behind you, this exercise employs your traps and rear delts. The press also builds stability in your overhead form, which is especially […]
The GHR…
Both one of the most useful and misused machines, the Glute Hamstring Raise machine (GHR) remains a mystery to many a lifter out there. At first glance, it looks like something you could do hyperextensions on, or perhaps some nifty sit-ups. This, although possible, is also wrong. What’s it for? As the name would imply […]
Rowing Correctly: The Reality
Doing rows for your back seems like a relatively simple exercise, but there are a few things about the form that most people (including myself) miss. What not to do: lifting the dumbbell as if you’re doing the same motion to start your lawn mower. pulling the dumbbell in a completely vertical motion. making a […]
The Importance of Calf Raises
Calf raises are often put in the back-burner with most weightlifters, which is a pity. With a good machine, calf raises can optimize your stability with lifts such as squatting, or with explosiveness in sprinting and biking. What is it for? Calf raises are an isolation exercise that focuses on your calf muscles. The strengthening […]
Grip 4orce!
These hand grips serve as an excellent accessory to those looking to build up their grip strength, forearm strength and wrist stability. What’s it for? You can put these grippers around any dumbbell, barbell, or other weightlifting device that utilizes your grip. By widening the circumference of what it is you’re lifting, this device forces […]
Review: The Sweet Science
A.J. Liebling, praised as the greatest boxing writer of all time, doesn’t disappoint. The Sweet Science is an incredible book, illustrating not only boxing, but life and society of the 50’s in the U.S. This was a time for many great boxers, including Ezzard Charles, Archie Moore, Joey Maxim, Rocky Marciano, and Joe Louis. Liebling […]
Benching: The Right Way
It’s disheartening to see many people in the gym these days, especially with the bench press. Because it is the exercise most often attributed to showcasing one’s strength, almost every guy even slightly interesting in getting in shape will attempt bench pressing. What not to do: Pointing your elbows outward. leaving your back relaxed throughout […]