
Skull Crushers!!!

Posted in Exercises at 11:33 am by Brad Clark

Besides the close grip bench, skull crushers are probably the best thing for building your triceps strength.  Be forewarned, though – the skull crushers have this name for a reason.

What’s it for?

Skull Crushers are almost like a close grip bench press, except that you are only moving your forearms.  This exercise isolates all exertion into your triceps, and is good for improving your triceps stamina.  You don’t want to incorporate this exercise with other triceps isolation exercises like the close grip bench or cable pulls.

When should you use it?

Do Skull Crushers the same day you bench.  After your heavy lifts, finish up with around three to five sets of these, and aim for about ten reps.  You can use either a curl bar or a straight bar (like for benching) for this exercise.

This is a burnout exercise, meaning you should ideally feel a nearly genuine burning sensation after each set (not quite third degree).  You will get tired doing this exercise, so watch out for your head! If you drop the bar too quickly, you will smack your head (Skull Crushers – get it?).

The Basics

You want to start very light with this exercise, because you will get tired very quickly.  Also, you don’t want to crack your head open.

Lying down on a bench, hold the bar about shoulder width.  Keep your elbows pointing at the ceiling, with only your forearms performing the motion.  Let the bar lower until it is behind your head (nearly touching the back).

Simple, easy, and tiring!

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